Website SEO Metrics Databases

Our Domain Databases offer detailed insights into SEO metrics: visibility, organic traffic estimates, and keywords analysis. With this data, you can:

  • Identify top industry players
  • Analyze competitor strategies
  • Optimize your content for better performance

Key Features of Website SEO Metrics Databases

  1. SEO Metrics: Measure website visibility, organic traffic estimates, and keyword rankings.
  2. Keyword Insights: Discover the keywords websites rank for organic search and those targeted with Google Ads.
  3. Content Performance: Uncover top-performing content across industries, identify trends, and understand user intent to refine your content strategy.


Website SEO Data Attributes

Name Description Example
domain Analyzed domain
visibility Indicator of a domain visibility in top 20 Google 231.72
traffic Estimated monthly search traffic of a domain. 41640886
new_keywords Keywords that have either recently been added, or that were not in the Google top before, but are in top 100 now 6504
keywords The number of keywords that an analyzed domain is ranking for in Google’s top 100 results 357169
ads Number of ads in Google SERP where the analyzed domain was found 57
ad_keywords Number of keywords for which domain ads were shown in Google SERP 71
improved_keywords Keywords for which a domain has a better position in Google SERP compared to the previous update 6019
lost_keywords Keywords that domain has been ranking for earlier but isn’t ranking now 2042
declined_keywords Keywords for which domain positions got worse compared to the previous update 3894

Website SEO Metrics Database Price

Сountries Search Engine Domains SE code Price
United States Google 92.5M g_us $3700
United Kingdom Google 51.0M g_uk $2038
Canada Google 40.9M g_ca $1636
Ukraine Google 34.1M g_ua $1364
Australia Google 36.4M g_au $1456
France Google 26.9M g_fr $1076
Spain Google 39.1M g_es $1564
Germany Google 40.3M g_de $1612
russia [terrorist state] Google 35.4M g_ru $1416
Mexico Google 20.6M g_mx $824
Kazakhstan Google 26.5M g_kz $106
Italy Google 23.4M g_it $936
Belarus Google 20.2M g_by $808
Bulgaria Google 25.1M g_bg $1004
Japan Google 21.0M g_jp $84
South Africa Google 10.5M g_za $42
Brazil Google 16.6M g_br $664
Poland Google 16.9M g_pl $676
India Google 15.0M g_in $30
Latvia Google 15.0M g_lv $30
Netherlands Google 23.6M g_nl $944
Israel Google 16.6M g_il $664
Switzerland Google 10.2M g_ch $408
Portugal Google 7.7M g_pt $308
Indonesia Google 11.3M g_id $452
Ireland Google 15.9M g_ie $636
Uzbekistan Google 8.3M g_uz $332
Turkey Google 12.4M g_tr $496
Lithuania Google 15.7M g_lt $628
Vietnam Google 15.4M g_vn $616
Sweden Google 13.9M g_se $556
Argentina Google 8.0M g_ar $32
Romania Google 9.9M g_ro $396
Belgium Google 16.8M g_be $672
United Arab Emirates Google 10.9M g_ae $436
Philippines Google 9.1M g_ph $364
Malaysia Google 8.5M g_my $34
Greece Google 14.9M g_gr $596
Saudi Arabia Google 11.6M g_sa $464
Denmark Google 13.7M g_dk $548
Czechia Google 7.9M g_cz $316
Austria Google 13.1M g_at $524
Norway Google 13.2M g_no $528
Kyrgyzstan Google 4.9M g_kg $196
Peru Google 6.7M g_pe $268
Colombia Google 6.7M g_co $268
United States bing 92.5M bing_us $37
New Zealand Google 10.6M g_nz $424
Moldova Google 7.5M g_md $30
Ecuador Google 8.3M g_ec $332
Finland Google 11.8M g_fi $472
Chile Google 6.4M g_cl $256
Egypt Google 6.0M g_eg $30
Pakistan Google 8.1M g_pk $324
Slovakia Google 11.8M g_sk $472
Georgia Google 10.7M g_ge $428
South Korea Google 7.7M g_kr $308
Singapore Google 7.1M g_sg $284
Nigeria Google 7.5M g_ng $30
Thailand Google 6.7M g_th $268
Slovenia Google 5.0M g_si $30
Kenya Google 6.4M g_ke $256
Morocco Google 6.8M g_ma $272
Algeria Google 6.1M g_dz $244
Venezuela Google 5.6M g_ve $224
Estonia Google 9.1M g_ee $364
Hungary Google 7.7M g_hu $308
Qatar Google 4.0M g_qa $30
Hong Kong Google 8.0M g_hk $32
Kuwait Google 6.2M g_kw $248
China Google 8.2M g_cn $327
Bolivia Google 4.4M g_bo $176
Azerbaijan Google 6.4M g_az $256
Luxembourg Google 5.3M g_lu $212
Croatia Google 6.6M g_hr $264
Uruguay Google 4.5M g_uy $30
Macedonia Google 4.9M g_mk $196
Guatemala Google 4.2M g_gt $168
Ghana Google 4.3M g_gh $172
Dominican Republic Google 4.7M g_do $188
Uganda Google 4.6M g_ug $184
Costa Rica Google 4.7M g_cr $188
Guadeloupe Google 3.3M g_gp $132
Tanzania Google 4.9M g_tz $196
Martinique Google 3.2M g_mq $128
Sri Lanka Google 4.8M g_lk $192
Taiwan Google 6.8M g_tw $272
Serbia Google 6.1M g_rs $244
Cyprus Google 4.5M g_cy $30
Nepal Google 3.6M g_np $144
Paraguay Google 3.9M g_py $156
Puerto Rico Google 4.8M g_pr $192
Panama Google 4.2M g_pa $168
Reunion Google 2.7M g_re $108
Bangladesh Google 5.4M g_bd $216
Tunisia Google 4.5M g_tn $30
Honduras Google 3.7M g_hn $148
Iraq Google 2.7M g_iq $108
El Salvador Google 3.7M g_sv $148
New Caledonia Google 2.6M g_nc $104
French Guiana Google 2.5M g_gf $30
Barbados Google 3.9M g_bb $156
Bosnia and Herzegovina Google 4.0M g_ba $30
Guam Google 3.7M g_gu $148
French Polynesia Google 2.7M g_pf $108
Jordan Google 2.4M g_jo $96
Montenegro Google 2.3M g_me $92
Lebanon Google 3.7M g_lb $148
Cayman Islands Google 3.4M g_ky $136
Tajikistan Google 2.1M g_tj $84
Isle of Man Google 7.0M g_im $30
Bermuda Google 3.2M g_bm $128
Nicaragua Google 2.9M g_ni $116
Jamaica Google 3.6M g_jm $144
Oman Google 2.3M g_om $92
Mayotte Google 1.9M g_yt $76
Saint Lucia Google 3.0M g_lc $30
Mauritius Google 3.8M g_mu $152
Armenia Google 3.8M g_am $152
Libya Google 1.9M g_ly $76
Côte d’Ivoire Google 2.6M g_ci $104
Cameroon Google 3.3M g_cm $132
Albania Google 2.8M g_al $112
Trinidad And Tobago Google 3.1M g_tt $124
Grenada Google 2.7M g_gd $108
Liechtenstein Google 2.9M g_li $116
Senegal Google 2.7M g_sn $108
Myanmar (Burma) Google 3.5M g_mm $30
Eswatini Google 2.6M g_sz $104
Curacao Google 2.8M g_cw $112
Ethiopia Google 2.9M g_et $116
Zambia Google 2.7M g_zm $108
Zimbabwe Google 2.7M g_zw $108
Turks and Caicos Islands Google 2.4M g_tc $96
Liberia Google 2.4M g_lr $96
Saint Kitts And Nevis Google 2.4M g_kn $96
Malta Google 3.2M g_mt $128
Angola Google 2.2M g_ao $88
Bahrain Google 2.1M g_bh $84
Palestine Google 2.5M g_ps $30
Mozambique Google 2.4M g_mz $96
Faroe Islands Google 2.0M g_fo $30
Aruba Google 2.5M g_aw $30
Democratic Republic of the Congo Google 2.1M g_cd $84
Northern Mariana Islands Google 2.2M g_mp $88
Turkmenistan Google 1.8M g_tm $72
Haiti Google 2.2M g_ht $88
Yemen Google 1.6M g_ye $64
Namibia Google 2.4M g_na $96
Afghanistan Google 2.4M g_af $96
Madagascar Google 2.0M g_mg $30
The Bahamas Google 2.3M g_bs $92
Somalia Google 2.0M g_so $30
British Virgin Islands Google 1.7M g_vg $68
Brunei Google 2.4M g_bn $96
Guyana Google 2.0M g_gy $30
Benin Google 1.7M g_bj $68
Maldives Google 2.0M g_mv $30
Rwanda Google 2.0M g_rw $30
Mali Google 1.8M g_ml $72
Botswana Google 1.9M g_bw $76
Burkina Faso Google 1.6M g_bf $64
Gabon Google 1.6M g_ga $64
Malawi Google 1.5M g_mw $30
Cambodia Google 2.4M g_kh $96
Iceland Google 2.9M g_is $116
Togo Google 1.5M g_tg $30
Saint Pierre and Miquelon Google 1.0M g_pm $30
Fiji Google 1.9M g_fj $76
Palau Google 1.6M g_pw $64
Papua New Guinea Google 1.6M g_pg $64
Suriname Google 2.0M g_sr $30
Bhutan Google 1.6M g_bt $64
Belize Google 2.0M g_bz $30
Mongolia Google 2.2M g_mn $88
Marshall Islands Google 1.3M g_mh $52
Lesotho Google 1.5M g_ls $30
Republic of the Congo Google 1.2M g_cg $48
Google 300500 105.0K NaN $30
Anguilla Google 1.2M g_ai $48
Mauritania Google 1.3M g_mr $52
Niger Google 1.4M g_ne $56
Sierra Leone Google 1.3M g_sl $52
Guinea Google 1.4M g_gn $56
Monaco Google 1.5M g_mc $30
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Google 1.1M g_fk $44
Cape Verde Google 1.2M g_cv $48
Eritrea Google 1.2M g_er $48
Equatorial Guinea Google 1.3M g_gq $52
Chad Google 1.1M g_td $44
Djibouti Google 1.4M g_dj $56
San Marino Google 1.0M g_sm $30
U.S. Virgin Islands Google 1.4M g_vi $56
Andorra Google 1.1M g_ad $44
The Gambia Google 1.1M g_gm $44
Burundi Google 1.2M g_bi $48
Antigua And Barbuda Google 1.2M g_ag $48
Macau Google 1.5M g_mo $30
Greenland Google 1.0M g_gl $30
Seychelles Google 1.4M g_sc $56
Norfolk Island Google 767.3K g_nf $30
Wallis and Futuna Google 625.0K g_wf $30
Laos Google 1.4M g_la $56
Saint Vincent And Grenadines Google 1.1M g_vc $44
Montserrat Google 684.5K g_ms $30
Gibraltar Google 1.1M g_gi $44
Timor-Leste Google 946.4K g_tl $37
Jersey Google 710.5K g_je $30
Comoros Google 878.2K g_km $35
Guinea-Bissau Google 722.2K g_gw $30
Central African Republic Google 711.6K g_cf $30
Dominica Google 874.9K g_dm $34
Vanuatu Google 824.6K g_vu $32
Tuvalu Google 576.4K g_tv $30
Samoa Google 740.1K g_ws $30
Solomon Islands Google 671.6K g_sb $30
Sao Tome and Principe Google 536.8K g_st $30
American Samoa Google 663.2K g_as $30
Tonga Google 640.4K g_to $30
Guernsey Google 572.8K g_gg $30
Federated States of Micronesia Google 569.3K g_fm $30
Cook Islands Google 513.8K g_ck $30
Kiribati Google 504.0K g_ki $30
British Indian Ocean Territory Google 368.2K g_io $30
Christmas Island Google 325.3K g_cx $30
Saint Helena Google 386.3K g_sh $30
Nauru Google 374.9K g_nr $30
Tokelau Google 218.5K g_tk $30
Cocos Islands Google 180.5K g_cc $30
Vatican City Google 151.8K g_va $30
Niue Google 119.6K g_nu $30
Pitcairn Islands Google 113.9K g_pn $30

Let’s talk!

Our databases are available for full or partial purchase. To learn more, you can schedule a call with our team or simply leave your contact information, and we will get in touch with you.

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